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Lashmush's News

Posted by Lashmush - February 21st, 2011

|[ About ]|[ Order of Omega ]|[ Commissions & Donations ]|[ Buy / Projects ]|

I was born in 1987 in Copenhagen, Denmark. When I was roughly 10 months old my parents moved to midwest Sweden where I still reside today.

My father was Gordon Sorber, my mother is Berit Vind. I am the youngest of seven children (two full blood siblings, four half-blood). In chronological order: Fredrik, Katrine, Ulrik, Signe, Lone, Nikolaj and Me.

I am a dual citizen of the United States and Denmark.

Now here's the story all about how my life got flip turned upside down:

When I was eleven years old, I managed to buy my very own Amiga 500 with the Workbench OS and quite a few games and programs on it, among the applications one of note: ProTracker 4. This program was the first Digital Audio Workstation I ever used and though quite a simple application by todays standards (delivering slightly above chiptune quality) it was still amazing to me.

The power to compose my very own melodies was intriguing to me and I stayed with the idea, making horrid little excuses for chip music until I finally made the transition to FastTracker II, a windows-based tracker. I stayed with FT2 for quite some time until in 2003 I switched over to ModPlug Tracker 1.16, a highly superior tracker in every aspect. Everything from then on until early 2008 was made with ModPlug and Antidestiny was the absolute maximum I managed to squeeze out of ModPlug, though I'm quite sure it can deliver more.

In 2008 I moved on to Renoise and with it, a world of musical creation I had not ever experienced was unlocked. I made only a few tracks now and then through it but soon decided to remake one of my tracks called "Eternity's End" which resulted in Ultima Eternus, my greatest completed undertaking yet.

However, I'm leaving out quite important aspects of my childhood so let me go back to 1994.

I'm 7 or 8, can't remember which. My parents divorced when I was three years old so every other weekend I would go stay with my father along with my brother, Nikolaj and my sister, Lone. Both of them older than me

My mothers villa burned to the ground during that weekend and while my mother and her man escaped unharmed, everything in there was lost. My sister cried, sad to lose all her clothes. My brother upset about his collection of stuffed animals. Me quietly contemplating the loss of my most treasured possession: My GameBoy. Such was my mind.

Had we not been at our dad's over that weekend, none of us would've been alive today.

I'm telling you this to get to the first of a series of truly destructive experiences of my life that ultimately leads to who I am today and where my musical creativity to a rather large part comes from.

I mentioned my mother's man but allow me to go into detail. His name is Bengt Eriksson and he was every level of failure a man could possible amount to. He was never physically abusive, but he was a total control-obsessed alcoholic and a bitter dead-hearted coward.

For many years us kids suffered and my mother tried several times to break away but as is known about these situations, it is never as easy as simply walking away. He roped her back in, and the cycle repeated itself until my sister and brother sequentially moved out and away from our little hometown. I remained, too young to live on my own and filled with a mix of intense hatred and terror. I was trapped with this man.

I spent as much time as I could at a friend of mines, playing videogames and PnP roleplaying games, among other activities. Escapism was really the only way to deal with him.

However, something happened when I was 15 which not only broke his stranglehold on my family, but shattered it completely.

Lone committed suicide on the 24th of January, 2003. Nikolaj's 18th birthday. The story behind this I will not get into. This was impossible to comprehend at first and I just drifted into a bubble without really dealing with it properly, not that there really is a proper way to do so in the first place.

In 2006, my father was diagnosed with prostate-cancer and started getting treatments. My mother had met a great guy from Iceland named Arni who became a pretty good friend of mine as well. He died in a car crash as a result of a bleed in his brain while driving on impulse late one night to see my mother. Another series of hard blows to deal with.

In 2008, I had a mental breakdown and went psychotic. I was diagnosed as Schizo-affective and medicated for a while during which my father passed away. I felt almost nothing as this happened and to this day have not yet felt anything I would consider a valid emotional response to this.

I slipped back into a manic psychosis again as well as a manic depression, both of which during 2009.

When I made the first and second parts of Ultima Eternus, I was to a high degree very VERY psychotic. Paranoid delusions, bizarre philosophical and scientific theories with little to no foundation in logic or reason, severe sleepdeprivation, lack of eating, and so forth...

When I got that schizo-affective diagnosis I decided after some time to fight it. To prove to the doctors or atleast to myself that those two parts where not the result of of a disorder of the mind but of my own will. I composed a third, remade the second completely from scratch, made a fourth, and finally in 2010 made the final fifth part which stands as the single most important one of them all since I was declared healthy not long after its completion.

Of course, healthy is to be taken with a grain of salt. It's never been stated that I am NOT in a dormant schizophrenic state, and my diagnosis was only CHANGED to bipolar disorder. One does not exclude the other. I also two diagnoses for neuro-psychological conditions known as "ADHD Predominantly Inattentive" (aka ADD) and "Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified" (PPD-NOS).

So maybe not healthy, but atleast I'm not marked down as schizophrenic anymore which was a victory to me, nevertheless.

So in truth, Ultima Eternus was more to me than simply music. It's my bottled emotions, my struggle with hardships, my fight against my own broken psyche, my mind in musical form.

The final treatment I recieved for my psychological issues was sadly Electro-Convulsive Therapy which while getting me out of a state of near catatonia, severely crippled my emotional spectrum and destroyed what little was left of who I used to be before that day in 2003.

So now I define myself through my music alone since it's really all I have left of myself now. I still laugh and I have fleeting moments of joy, but most of the time what people around me see is just me playing along with the moment. I don't feel at all as much as I once did and it's a bleak grey existence at times but I am alive and I haven't yet reached the pinnacle of my abilities so I'll continue to strive towards that.

The only thing I really want now though is love, sappy as it might sound.

So to not end this on such a dark note, how about some quick facts about me?

My name: Rasmus Sorber
Date of birth: 28th August, 1987 (I was born and raised in Europe, deal with it.)
Residence: Ekshärad, Sweden
Religion: None.
Political views: Nonpartisan.
Philosophies: I've found that the only real truth that stands unflinched in the face of any critique is that we are born and that we will die. Anything before, in between or afterwards is mostly just speculation at best.

Videogames I enjoy: Too many to mention, but I've been an avid gamer since I was 3 or 4 years old.

Movies I enjoy: Also too many. I watch on average 150-200 movies per year.

Music I enjoy: Sigh, this is getting old... Waaaayyy too many different artists and bands.

Hopes and dreams: Love. (Gaydars worldwide are going apeshit...)

I think thats about it. If you have any questions, fire away with the comment button and I'll answer as soon as I read it.

Posted by Lashmush - February 21st, 2011

|[ About ]|[ Order of Omega ]|[ Commissions & Donations ]|[ Buy / Projects ]|

Order of Omega is the band that will play and perform my current album project Legion, as well as future ones live. It will ideally consist of eight members though requires only 5 to play the music. The line-up would be:

Lead Vocalist*
Two Lead Guitarists*
One Rythm Guitarist
One bass-guitarist*
Two pianists
One drummer*

*Core requirement.

This is what the band would ideally look like but realistically this will be quite difficult to assemble.

I have interest from quite a few people regarding these positions but as of right now, the album must be finished and I will first dedicate time and energy to forming and rehearsing with a band once so.

Now about the album: Legion is the album that I've been working on since August of 2010. It's a metal album that encompasses quite a wide range of subgenres but is quite heavily aligned still.

It started off with my track "Boomstick" that hit the Newgrounds frontpage and got me scouted by 5Line Records. I started working on an album with intent to sign a contract with 5Line but differences arose and I parted ways with them.

The album is near completion with only vocals for a little over half tracks. Meanwhile, I thought I'd share the track order here just to give you glimpse of the completed product.

Uploaded tracks are NOT finals for the album. Mix and mastering tweaks will occur and the album itself is seamless between tracks.


01: Cry For Mercy
02: Phoenix
03: Fallout
04: Legion
05: Chorus Diaboli
06: Boomstick
07: Burn
08: Electric Cathedral
09: Terminal
10: Gore Addiction
11: Bleed For Me
12: Omnicide
13: Across The Sea Of Sand

This page will serve as a status page for the vocal completion of Legion. Any tracks that are linked will have vocals completed and will be fully streamable here on Newgrounds. Track order may change slightly over the course of this last phase of production but this is pretty much how it will look once its done.

Feel free to ask any questions here or by sending a me a PM.

Order of Omega / Legion

Posted by Lashmush - February 15th, 2011

|[ About ]|[ Order of Omega ]|[ Commissions & Donations ]|[ Buy / Projects ]|

I openly accept donations to my PayPal account should anyone wish to support my musical endeavors.

I've had a few rather large sums for a single person to donate more than once and I have to urge you not to donate more than 10-15 EU (roughly 20 USD) unless you first contact me about it, either here on NG or through my email. (The same as the paypal account.) Seriously, donate only if its money you have no problem giving away. All the donations will go to buying more storage, new software licenses, better hardware, food and probably an excessive amount of caffeine and smokes. :3

If you wish to donate anonymously and also a larger sum than aforementioned, quickly making a hotmail or gmail account takes a few minutes and then you can simply fire away an email telling me of what sum you had in mind.


I do accept commission work and the pricing is quite simple:

10 EU / 13.5 USD - A track of up to 90 seconds.*

30 EU / 40 USD - A track of 3-4 minutes.*

100 EU / 135 USD - A track of 3-5 minutes.**

200 EU / 270 USD - 3 tracks of 3-5 minutes each (or a single of up to 15 minutes).**

50 EU / 67.5 USD - Full commercial rights to use any of my allready finished original works in commercial projects.

* (In your desired genre and either inspired or based upon any tracks you wish. Remixes of videogame, movie or other artists work will be strictly non-commercially licensed to you.)

** (In your desired genre and fully original work, commercially licensed to you for any work of yours that you hold your own rights to.)

Examples of earlier commision work requested:

Dystopic Desires - Dark, futuristic, rock, electronica, orchestral (Payment recieved)
Boomstick - Metal, movie-reference, birthday present, orchestral (Payment recieved)

For any commission work, the more referencing material (similar music, related artwork, etc) and specifics, details and information given will produce a better result. Payment is issued once the track is completed. During the WIP-phase (Work-In-Progress), I will send early renders a few times in order to make sure the track is heading in a direction you want. Once the track is finished however, payment is mandatory and a refund is as before indicated ONLY available during the WIP-phase.

Refusal to pay the requested sum of money after a track is completed will be considered fraud and will blacklist you from any future commission work as well as reported to the respective authorities in charge of these matters. This is not meant to discourage but the time and effort required to produce high quality tracks can be quite demanding.

The average time of completion for a single track of roughly 4 minutes is 3-6 working days. It will however take the time that is needed unless a deadline is specified.

In the future I will also be open to working full time on videogame or movie scores alone or with others. Details of such a contract would be discussed per project and will first be possible once Legion is completed in the near future.

All information, terms and pricing are subject to change.

If you have any questions or wish to place an order you can do so through a Newgrounds PM or by sending a mail to my Gmail account.


72,84 EUR -- Hitachi 3.5" SATA2 Hard Drive 1000GB 32MB Cache 7200RPM (Thanks!)

Posted by Lashmush - February 1st, 2011

Did this today because I was bored, felt like a bit of learning in Sony Vegas and it could give "Hybrid II" some attention.


Also, its in 720p resolution.

Posted by Lashmush - December 17th, 2010

/* */
Aren't we all dreaming of unrelenting lunatic horrors from below?

The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. Serious business.

I hope you guys get coal for christmas.

Posted by Lashmush - November 25th, 2010

I now have all the necessary equipment right here at home to record vocals and an example of this is:

Burn - A brutal deathmetal track for the album I'm working on.

I've almost finished composing the 12th track for the album which is a remake of "Bleed For Me" from Antidestiny. The 13th and final track will be 100% original.

Here's a completely unrelated japanese animation about a little guy who has mastered the art of excessive pooping.

/* */

Posted by Lashmush - October 30th, 2010

For those of you who have not followed the progress of my latest endeavors in the record label world, I am currently signed with 5line Records as a trial artist. This basically means 5line likes me, but wants to be able to kick my ass to the curb at any given moment just so I'm motivated to perform at 193% exactly. If I perform at 194% they will kill my family with pitchforks and bury me alive beneath their corpses.

5line does not fuck around. :3

Anyway, "Order of Omega" is the name of the band I have assembled that will (at first) perform my material, but then incorporate ideas and concepts from all members.

The line-up is as follows:

Lead Vocals: Rasmus "Lashmush" Sorber (Me.)
Lead/Rythm Guitar: Dennis "Dimoria" Eriksson (Not me.)
Lead/Rythm Guitar: David "Kønditorn" Ringholm Heder (Not me either.)
Bass Guitar: Nikolaj "Algaroth" Sorber (almost Me.)

Drums & Percussion: Emil "Dunno his lastname" McWutsisfaic (Srsly, I don't know his last name.)

Now the drummer, Emil, isn't 100% committed yet, but my metal magnificence attracts metalheads like starving flies to a steaming new pile of shit so its basically "Your mind isnt sure, but your body wants me so bad it hurts."

Now, on to the music itself. Roughly 75% of the debut album (Legion) is completed and uploaded, but thats composition wise. I've only managed to record vocals for two tracks yet. Namely:

Cry For Mercy (Intro Track)
Legion (Title Track)

The rest are instrumentals and are the following:

Electric Cathedral
Gore Addiction
Chorus Diaboli

Now all of these tracks will be remastered and a few additions may be implemented such as guitarsolos courtesy of Dennis and David. Ofcourse all tracks will contain vocals by me, but also from backing vocals Nikolaj and Dennis, if not on the album, then during live performances.

And yes, we will be raping your hometown eventually.

There will be three more tracks for the album, two of them being remakes/sequels to Ocean aswell as Radiance.

The third and final track is still a secret. If you give me a blowjob I might tell you how secret it is. Woman or not, a dick in a mouth is a dick in a mouth.

Now, in other news, I've done a few other tracks that may be interesting but you probably wont read this far and in case you actually did, you dont really care because you're a horrible, horrible person so heres a picture of two pandabears getting it on. It's really no wonder why these animals are going fucking extinct when they both look god damn identical and copulation is a display of grunting emos and saggy potbellies.

Pandas can go fuck themselves. (Pun sincerely intended.)

Order of Omega: The end has begun.

Posted by Lashmush - October 9th, 2010

So there I was, on the bathroom with a laptop I stole from some hipster girl who, before I repossessed her machine as mine, tried to claim something about chauvinism and its connection to whale hunting. Needless to say, I punched her repeatedly. She cried. I told her that this is what I would do to a man in this scenario, so she should be happy feminism is working out so well.

While purging my bowels and discussing religion on an obscure forum (I like to multitask activities that have metaphorical relationships) I was surprised to see that my Inbox on Newgrounds had a single message. It read as follows:

"Greetings, future drone of the great Syndicate. You have been selected to join our label in the perpetuation of music that shall be the melodies to which we enslave the sheep of this world. Do not attempt to resist in any way. It is futile. You will be assimilated.

We have dispatched our gatherers who should be arriving shortly. Do not worry yourself concerning your possessions. You will only be allowed sufficient air and sustenance to craft one album after which you will be summarily terminated and incinerated.

Thank you and have a pleasant shit, Mr. Sorber." to which I subsequently shit myself. Luckily I was allready in the process of taking a dump so this was simple two bricks at once, once rolling down the fast lane past the slower one.

I promptly wiped myself with that brutalized girls laptop, threw it in the can and flushed. This didn't actually do anything in particular, but somehow felt very satisfying to me.

I then went out of my bathroom to see two indistinguishable men looking down at me through their shades floating nicely in front of vague faces at 7'2".

"We need you to come with us, ass-hat." they told me in a very monotone and bureaucratic manner.

"What did you just call me?"

"Asset. Please, this way." They responded.

I decided that I had two options: I could either come with them voluntarily and maybe get viciously beaten in a cellar, or resist, get viciously beaten in my home, then while unconscious, be dragged to a cellar, woken up, and subsequently viciously beaten once more.

"Fine." I responded. They beat me.

"Why are you beating me?!" I cried out. "I'm not resisting!" trying the best I could to hide my yelping, girlish voice as the battery of salmon slaps and nipple twists started to break my psyche.

"You made light of explosive diarrhea in one of your songs. My father died that way!" one of them burst out while smacking me with something that seemed like a hard, plastic plate.

"What?! I never made-- oooooh..." I thought to myself as I suddenly realized that I'm an astoundingly juvenile person.

"Wait, your father died from explosive diarrhea?" I asked, trying to picture how this would be possible. Perhaps I was not giving explosive enough emphasis, but a realistic scenario to build up to such an event eluded me.

I also realized that I was being beaten with the laptop I earlier used as some bizarre make-shift toilet paper. I did my best remembering to punch that hipster again.

I awoke to find myself in my own bed, with nothing but a letter and a laptop in my ass.

I shut down the laptop and removed it from my ass, then opened the letter.

"You used the computing appliance as bathroom etiquette. You are now a signed artist of 5line Records."

I immediately went downstairs and into the kitchen, fried up some bacon and eggs, unleashed myself upon them with furious energy and focused hard.

Then I realized why being signed by a record label is such a mysterious event and my mind was blown. So were my underwear.

Legion tracks uploaded so far:

Cry For Mercy (with Vocals)
Legion (Instrumental)
Boomstick (Instrumental)
Burn (Instrumental)
Terminal (Instrumental)
Chorus Diaboli (Instrumental)

A little over 21 minutes so I'm over the halfway mark, at least.

Legion will be my first actual, legit, commercially available album. It will be performed live by the band I'm currently assembling. We're only one member short of beginning rehearsal. (2nd Guitarist)

The band will be known as "Order of Omega" and you will do well to keep a lookout for it since part of my future material will be released under that title. The members right now are:

Rasmus "Lashmush" Sorber - Vocals, lyrics, songwriting, composing, production.
Dennis "Dimoria" Eriksson - Lead/Rythm guitar and studio recording.
Nikolaj "Algaroth" Sorber - Bass-guitar

We have a drummer considering joining that can blast beat at 240 BPM which is rediculously fast no matter how you slice it.

In any case, there will be more recording during this coming week and hopefully we can manage two songs this time. Legion and Burn.

In unrelated news, I've made another Hybrid song as well as remastered the third. The Hybrid songs are my medleys of different themes. Video-game or movie songs so far, but they have a common foundation for being connected into a Hybrid track. For instance, Hybrid II's tracks all have in common their sources excessive brutal nature.

Hybrid III (Remaster) - F-Zero, Mega Man 2, Castlevania 2, Castlevania SotN, Mega Man X.

Hybrid IV - Eight movie soundtracks combined into one. Includes such movies as Lord of the Rings, Saw, Pirates of the Caribbean, and so forth.

I suppose that's all for now.

P.S. Remember to punch hipsters on sight so they learn to stop being hipsters and get a real fucking computer instead of those ridiculous laptops.

Posted by Lashmush - September 15th, 2010

"If you would stay, I would show you true love

If you could stay, we'd fly high and above

and If you had stayed, I would grant your desires

but you won't stay, so I'll light you on fire.

and piss on your screaming remains

after i skullstomp your brains.

They say I'm quite insane.

Your friends who still remain.

That is, until I break out again."



Also, some new tracks I've made:

Enter the Unreal | Psytrance remix of the track "Lock" from Unreal Tournament.
Legion | Titletrack for my upcoming album.
The Dancing Dead | Metal remix of the themesong from a swedish childrens show called "Ika i Rutan".
Sacrifice | Bomberman Hero remix request on OCRemix.org
All A Man Can Do | Extreme hardcore track I made after a quite painful breakup with my girlfriend.
Eulogical | Dark Industrial Hardcore
Smackdown | Deathmetal remix of the track "Danger" from Secret of Mana. (Bossfight music)

That's about it.

Oh yeah, almost forgot...

Posted by Lashmush - August 30th, 2010

REDEEMED is a simple remix project. Pick a track and remix it in any genre you wish. There are a few things to keep in mind but nothing excessive.

1. Your remix must reflect the original. (Duh.)
2. The remix must be at least 2 minutes and at most 8 minutes long.
3. Two tracks maximum per contributing artist.
4. Crossover remixes of multiple tracks are not allowed.
5. Collaborations on a single track are allowed and encouraged.
- Burn7 has offered his guitarskills to anyone interested.
6. Samples from the games sound or music are not allowed.

That's all really. Upload a WIP to mediafire or similair file storage site. You can also mail it directly to me.

Track Title - Remixer(s) [ Completionstatus ]
Original Composer(s)

Michiel van den Bos

Michiel van den Bos

Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Michiel van den Bos

The Course
Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Room of Champions
Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos

Ending - Lashmush
Alexander Brandon

Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Fire Breath
Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Foregone Destruction
Michiel van den Bos

Go Down - Burn7
Alexander Brandon

Lock - Lashmush [ COMPLETED ]
Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Mechanism Eight
Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Mission Landing
Alexander Brandon

Nether Animal
Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Alexander Brandon

Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos

Razorback / Unreal mix
Peter Hajba

Run - La-yinn
Michiel van den Bos

Save Me
Alexander Brandon

Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Seeker 2
Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Skyward Fire
Michiel van den Bos

Into the darkness
Alexander Brandon

Alexander Brandon

Underworld II
Alexander Brandon

Unreal Tournament Menu
Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Unreal Tournament Unreleased Title
Michiel van den Bos

Unreal Tournament Title
Alexander Brandon, Michiel van den Bos, Peter Hajba and Andrew Sega

Three Wheels Turning
Alexander Brandon

More info will be added soon enough. For now, refer to the Sign-up thread in the audioforums for any questions, etc.